Anti-repression number – what? how? when?

+48 722 196 139

If protests are taking place on a given day, the anti-repression number is only to be contacted in the event of detention and repression.

We can only provide legal advice and longer conversations if no one is in danger of being detained.

If you have details of a detained person or are a detained person, if possible, instead of calling, text or contact us via Signal, What’s app or Telegrm (We prefer Signal)


When to call/text?

  1. You have been stopped at a demonstration or on your way to/from a demonstration.
  2. The police raid you at home in connection with organising/participating in a feminist/ queer/ anti-police/ anti-capitalist/ anti-fascist event etc.
  3. You see a person being detained by the police in connection with political activity ( !!!!!!! IMPORTANT!!!!!!! if you can, ask the person being detained for their name, this will make it easier to trace them).
  4. You have received information about a hearing or trial date.

How to contact?

  1. If you know there is a demo in the city, DO NOT prolong the conversation, only give the necessary information, be as brief as you can.
  2. Do not say anything on the phone that can be used against you or another person.
  3. Remember that as well as calling you can also text us, write a message on Signal.

What to do if stopped by the police?

  1. Demand contact with a lawyer – ask the police officer to call an anti-repression number (when going to demonstrations always have it written down with a marker on your arm).
  2. If the police refuse to contact legal aid – threaten with a complaint, demand a refusal in writing with reasons.
  3. Do not sign a protocol that does not mention your request to contact a lawyer.
  4. Refuse to give explanation, say: no comment!
  5. Do not admit to the acts you are accused of. Do not plead guilty.
  6. If you are going to the demonstration alone (although we always recommend going in a group) – inform those close to you. Have them contact the anti-repression number if they suspect that you have been arrested.