Every day, dozens of people try to enter the European Union searching for a safe place and a dignified life. While states try to prevent them from doing so by using violence and often sentencing to death, part of society takes action from the bottom up, standing up for life and fighting for the protection of fundamental human rights. Quite often, such actions are met with criminalisation by states and their services.
This is the case of the five people who in the end of 2024 will stand trial for providing aid at the Polish-Belarusian border. In aim to show support for the defendants, we call international community to organise during the Solidarity Action Week, which will take place from 13-20 September 2024.
We encourage you to organise meetings and soli-events, share information about the case, prepare performative actions or other events and actions that will draw attention to the ongoing criminalisation of supporting people on the move. Solidarity is our strength!
If you want to organize an action, you are welcome to contact us: h5support@riseup.net
More about the case you will read here